








邓向东,李世荣[6](2006)在《红斑反应与理想光子嫩肤术关系的研究》一文中研究指出目的观察红斑反应与理想光子嫩肤术的关系,为临床提供参考信息。方法用34J/cm2的强脉冲光对10只兔四个部位分别进行1、2、3、4次照射,记录出现红斑反应的照射次数,术后15天治疗部位切片观察,记录使皮肤真皮胶原蛋白增生的照射次数。结果红斑反应的闽刺激照射次数是(2.6±0.52) 次,真皮胶原蛋白增生的阈刺激照射次数是(3±0.67)次。两者统计学比较无显着差异。结论 IPL致红斑反应的能量大小与理想光子嫩肤术所需的能量接近。(本文来源于《第4届东方国际美容外科大会论文汇编》期刊2006-09-01)

Beattie,P.E.,Dawe,R.S.,Traynor,N.J.,焦婷[7](2006)在《摄入贯叶连翘生粉(金丝桃素)会增强患者在大剂量UVA1治疗过程中的红斑反应吗?》一文中研究指出Background: St John s wort (SJW) is widely used as a treatment for depression. A phototoxic reaction, due to its content of hypericin, can occur in animals and in cell culture, and has been reported in humans. Hypericin displays absorption within the ultraviolet (UV) A1 spectrum and there may therefore be a potential for phototoxicity if taken during high-dose UVA1 therapy. Objectives: To assess the phototoxicity risk of SJW ingestion. Methods: Eleven adult volunteers of skin types I and II were exposed to a geometric dose series of UVA1 irradiation from a high-output source (Dermalight Ultra 1; Dr H nle, Martinsreid, Germany; irradiance 70- 77 mW cm- 2) on the photoprotected lower back skin at eight 1.5-cm2 test areas. Irradiation was carried out at baseline and after 10 days of SJW extract 1020 mg (equivalent to 3000 μ g of hypericin) daily. Four, 8, 24 and 48 h after each exposure, the minimal erythema dose (MED) and the presence or absence of pigmentation were recorded visually and erythema was assessed objectively with an erythema meter. Results: The median MED and D0.025, an objective measure of MED, were lower at all time-points after SJW ingestion. The visual erythemal peak (lowest median MED), which was seen at 8 h postirradiation, was lower after SJW (median 14 J cm- 2, range 10- 56) than at baseline (median 20 J cm- 2, range 14- 56) (P = 0.047). Similarly, the median D0.025 at 8 h postirradiation was lower after SJW(median 22.0 J cm- 2, range 15.2- 53.9) than at baseline (median 33.7 J cm - 2, range 22.9- 136.0) (P = 0.014). The MED and D0.025 were also significantly different at the 48-h and 4-h time-points, respectively. Significance was not reached at the 24-h time-point. Median intensity of postirradiation erythema increased at all time-points after ingestion of SJW. Despite these differences, the maximum slope of the dose-response curve was not increased after SJW ingestion. Conclusions: These data suggest that SJW extract has the potential to lower the erythemal threshold to UVA1 irradiation in a significant proportion of individuals and highlight the importance of ascertaining a full drug history, including herbal remedies, before initiating UVA1 phototherapy.(本文来源于《世界核心医学期刊文摘(皮肤病学分册)》期刊2006年03期)

Leslie,K.S.,Lodge,E.,Garioch,J.J.,王琼[8](2005)在《窄波(TL-01)UVB引起身体各部位红斑反应的比较》一文中研究指出In most dermatology centres where phototesting is performed, the starting dose is calculated as a proportion of the minimal erythema dose (MED). Previous studies have found significant differences in MED readings between forearm and back skin with both broadband and narrowband (NB) UVB. Our objective was to compare MEDs obtained from three body sites, the forearm, back and abdomen, to see if there was a significant difference in individuals. We recruited 20 healthy volunteers who were exposed to our standard dose series for phototesting with NB-UVB to three body sites:forearm, back and abdomen. MEDs were assessed 24 h post exposure. The median MEDfor the abdomen was 0.79 J/cm2, the back 0.95 J/cm2 and the arm 1.11 J/cm2. Friedman's analysis of variance by ranks showed that these differences were significant (P=0.003). There was no correlation between skin type and MED for any of the three anatomical sites. Our results support phototesting for all patients prior to treatment with NB-UVB. Furthermore, we have shown that the abdomen is the anatomical site of choice for phototesting, as this will result in a reduced risk of burning episodes.(本文来源于《世界核心医学期刊文摘(皮肤病学分册)》期刊2005年09期)

Waterston,K,,Naysmith,L,,Rees,J[9](2005)在《紫外线和光适应的红斑反应的生理学改变》一文中研究指出We have studied the cutaneous response to ultraviolet radiation, measured objectively as erythema in a sample of 12 body sites on 15 Northern European subjects with multiple doses of ultraviolet B (UVB). Skin pigmentation and the development of photoadaptation in response to five repeated doses of irradiation at three body sites was also measured. We report striking differences of up to 5-fold at different body sites to the same challenge dose (P < 0.001) and demonstrate that for this population, site variation is just as important as between-person variation. Skin color at each body site is a strong predictor of response(P < 0.001)and that this cannot be attributed to vascular differences, but instead we believe it reflects site-specific variations in melanin pigmentation. We also observed similar but smaller within-person effects for responses to another inflammatory agent, dithranol (P < 0.01). Despite this, we did not find evidence for differences in the development of photoadaptation by body site. These results have clear clinical implications for the practice of phototesting prior to commencing phototherapy, for therapeutic failure in sites such as the legs in patients with psoriasis, and perhaps for melanoma body-site distribution.(本文来源于《世界核心医学期刊文摘(皮肤病学分册)》期刊2005年04期)






























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